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EPIC Council Meeting 06May30
Attendees - Skip McGaughey, Ian Skerrett, Nathan Gervais, Eric von der Heyden, Howard Lewis, Donald Smith, Mike Taylor
Regrets - Maher Masri, Jochen Krause, Todd Williams
Key Areas to focus on
- Build Traffic (Get more Eyeballs to the page)
- place banner ads on javalobby and on java
- Increase the number of plugins listed
- Determine Metrics for Success
- Establish publishing guidelines
Development Roadmap
First 3 months should be focused on
- Bug Fixes
- Increasing useability
- setup infrastructure
Longer Term Goals
- role based segmentation
- analysis of ratings system
- introduction of distribution and services
- members vs non members benefits
- better integration between EPIC and
Future Meetings
- Weekly Calls at 11am ET
- To continue for 60 days from this date. Evaluate again at the end of term.
Action Items (First name is item lead)
- Skip / Donald - Create a planning document
- Howard / Skip - Contact and gather 8 or 9 member companies to gather feedback and increase awareness
- Ian / Eric / Nathan / Howard - Develop complete list of themes and priorites