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EPIC Council Meeting 06Aug22
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Attendees - Eric, Donald, Ian, Mike Taylor, Skip, Nathan, Maher Regrets -
- Survey has been shortened to 14 questions, prizes will be an iPod and Gift Certificates
- Donald to mock up Survey on Survey monkey by next meeting and will be pushed live before September 8th
- Suggestion to use WIKI and mailing lists for feedback. Suggestion that Policy decisions should be made by the council. What is the process for capturing feedback?
- Ian to create strawman for soliciting community feedback and communication plan for group discussion
- Ian to schedule a meeting time to review and "rank" the Themes and Priorities - Thursday at 3pm Eastern
- Ian investigating banner ads, likely to run soon - concerns raised over percieved fairness of random plugin spotlights
- Skip Member outreach update - Panel discussion at Members Meeting will include panel discussion on members value with some focus on EPIC. Survey feedback will be helpful.
- Next meeting to be the Tuesday after Labor day due to Foundation meetings in Ottawa