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EPIC Council Meeting 06Aug15
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Present - Donald, Skip, Nathan, Mike Taylor, Todd, Maher. Regrets - Jochen, Eric
- Survey working group to review survey sent by Mike. Concern over timing doing a survey in August, proposal to do in very early September. Send feedback on survey to Mike.
- Nathan has added some new features to EPIC, some require admin privledges such as tagging a plugin by pillar.
- Team to review T&P for next meeting.
- Skip to circulate tool for using Word with WIKI.
- Ian sent adcopy link, please provide feedback. Concerns raised over random-plugin generation as it may not be percieved as Random. This needs to be further examined as a group.
- Nathan to send update on workplan later this week.
- Donald updated the EPIC_Minutes_and_Transparency_Guidelines. Team should review and update as needed. Suggestion to post link to EPIC wiki page from EPIC "About us page", Nathan to investigate.
- Skip to create outline of customer outreach plan by September 15th.
- Formally ask Strategic members to post their plugins on EPIC to use as a reference at Members meeting. Find out why/why not for participation.