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EMF Search UI
Contributes a new Participant Composite to the Model Search Dialog. As a result a new Tab item is added in the participants Tab folder.
* label - A pertinent localized name to be displayed in the participant Tab Item. * participantCompositeAreaFactory - IModelSearchAreaFactory API implementation which responsability is to expose meta elements participant possible choices to user. A possible meta elements Checkbox Tree Viewer is decorated from the EMF edit ComposeableFactory created from ComposeableAdapterFactory. * index - 0 based index where the tab will tentatively be inserted. * id - ID to be reused by other extensions in order to refer to this particpant Tab. * tooltip - A pertinent localized name to be displayed as tooltip of the participant tab. * elementComposeableAdapterFactory - User wanting to display elements accordingly to their EMF based model must provide an instance of ComposeableAdapterFactory. This AdapterFactory will be in charge to display elements label and image. * elementModelEditorSelectionHandler - Users must implement IModelElementEditorSelectionHandler APIs in order to describe the way they want a search result selection to be handled. * image - A meaningfull particpant image to be displayed in the defined query tab. * targetSearchPageID - An existing target search page ID the user wants to contribute his participantTab to. * targetNsURI - nsURI of package this tab is dealing with
<extension point=""> <participantTab elementComposeableAdapterFactory="search.ui.providers.AllElementsItemProviderAdapterFactory" elementModelEditorSelectionHandler="search.ui.handlers.EditorSelectionHandler" id="" image="icons/esearch.gif" index="1" label="%ModelSearchParticipantArea.AllElementsParticipantTab.Label" participantCompositeAreaFactory="search.ui.factories.ModelSearchParticipantAreaFactory" targetSearchPageID="search.ui.pages.MoviesDbModelSearchPageID" targetNsURI="" tooltip="%ModelSearchParticipantArea.AllElementsParticipantTab.Tooltip"> </participantTab> </extension>