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EMF Compare/Specifications/FiltersConfiguration
Evolution Specification: Filters Configuration
Current status is DRAFT
Summary: Provide a way for user to enable/disable filters.
Each time EMF Compare UI is launched, the same filters are activated. It would be nice if the user could disable/enable filters.
Detailed Specification
Preference default filter
- The user should be able to enable/disable filters from preferences. When the comparison is launched those preferences should override default state register from extension point.
Default filters label:
- Label: Empty resource mapping filter
- Description: Filter out all resource mappings with no differences from the view.
- Label: Pseudo conflicts filter
- Description: Filter out all pseudo conflicts differences (only in case of a 3-way comparison).
- Label: Identical Elements.
- Description: Filter out all identical elements (elements with no differences).
- Label: Cascading differences
- Description: Filter out all differences that are contained under differences (except when in conflict).
Dynamic setting of default filter
- When a user select/unselect a filter in EMF Compare UI.
- The user should be able to synchronize its selection with the preferences.
- The user should be able to automatically choose to synchronize or not all future filter selections.