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EMF4Net is an component of the EMFT project with the goal to enhance the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) with a code generation facility for the .Net platform. EMF4Net should allow you to generate C# code from your existing Ecore models and use that code in a similar way you can use the Java code generated by EMF.
The translation of the EMF core runtime from Java to C# is the main task of this project. The EMF core runtime comprises the following plugins:
- org.eclipse.emf.ecore
- org.eclipse.emf.common
- org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi
- org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change
Unification of UML, XML, Java, and C#
EMF unifies UML, XML and Java at the modeling abstraction level by providing means to interchange any of this "data model" representations. EMF4Net tries to add C# as a fourth interchangeable modeling language to EMF.
More Information
More information about EMF4Net and its current development state are available at the EMF4Net project website
If you have further questions you can post them in the newsgroup (please prefix the subject with [EMF4Net]) or in the forum on the website