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EDT:EGL Language Stereotypes and Annotations

Please see the parent of this page, EDT:EGL Language.

Stereotypes and Annotations (Table 8)

Our approach is to say most stereotypes and annotations from RBD are not supported in EDT, and we'll add them back as we decide that we need their features.

Stereotypes and Annotations Core JavaScript Java
BasicProgram1 no work
done bug 353646
Exception no work
done bug 353649
SQLRecord N/S 1d
RUIHandler no work
RUIWidget no work


IR Bugs:

BirtHandler no work
see System Types page
NativeType done bug 352619
bug 352616
done bug 353650
JavaObject4 see System Types page
see System Types page
JavaScriptObject4 see System Types page
see System Types page
HostProgram no work

IncludeReferencedFunctions2 done
EventListener no work
done bug 353651
Property3 no work
done bug 353652
BindService no work
bug 352610(1d) bug 352612(1d)
no work
bug 352583 (work included in service call sizing)
bug 352581 (work included in service call sizing)
XMLAttribute no work
XML bug 346138 (work included in service call sizing)
XML bug 351892 (work included in service call sizing)
XMLElement no work
XML bug 346138 (work included in service call sizing)
XML bug 351892 (work included in service call sizing)
XMLRootElement no work
XML bug 346138 (work included in service call sizing)
XML bug 351892 (work included in service call sizing)
XMLSchemaType no work
XML bug 346138 (work included in service call sizing)
XML bug 351892 (work included in service call sizing)
XMLStructureKind no work
XML bug 346138 (work included in service call sizing)
XML bug 351892 (work included in service call sizing)
XMLType no work
XML bug 346138 (work included in service call sizing)
XML bug 351892 (work included in service call sizing)

Notes on Table 8

  1. The BasicProgram stereotype won't have the msgTablePrefix field.
  2. IncludeReferencedFunctions is an annotation in RBD, but it will be a field of the stereotypes in EDT.
  3. The Property annotation replaces RBD's JavaProperty and JavaScriptProperty.  bug 352574
  4. The externalName annotation replaces RBD's javaName and javaScriptName.  bug 354044

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