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EDT:EGL Language Operators and Expressions
Please see the parent of this page, EDT:EGL Language.
Operators and expressions (Table 7)
Operators and expressions1 | Core | JavaScript | Java |
. (member access) | done |
done |
done |
= | done |
done |
done |
function invocation | done |
done |
done |
new | done |
done |
done |
{ } (set-values block) | done |
0.5d |
done |
@ | done |
done (no work for generators) |
done (no work for generators) |
[ ] (array access) | done |
done |
done |
[ ] (dynamic access) | done |
1d |
done bug 353653 |
[ ] (substring)2 | done bug 354165 |
done |
done |
isa3 | done bug 354167 |
1d |
done bug 353654 |
as3 | done |
done |
done bug 353655 |
unary (~)4, 5 | done | done bug 366875 |
done bug 366876 |
unary (+ - !) | done | done | done |
math (+ - * / % **)9 | done |
1d |
done |
assigning math (+= -= *= /= %= **=)9 | done |
0.5d |
done |
:: | done |
0.5d |
done bug 353656 |
?: | done |
0.5d |
done bug 353656 |
logical (And Or && ||) | done |
done |
done |
comparison (< > <= >= == !=) | done |
2d |
2d bug 353657 |
bitwise (& | Xor)5 | done | 0.5d |
0.25d bug 353658 |
assigning bitwise (&= |= Xor=)5 | done | 0.5d |
0.5d bug 353658 |
bit shifting (<< >> >>> <<= >>= >>>=)4,5 | done | done | done |
in7 | 1d | N/S | N/S |
like matches8 | 1d |
done (see IR bug) |
N/S |
is/not | done | N/S | N/S |
Ternary Operator (condition ? val1 : val2)6 |
3d bug 366872 |
.5d bug 366873 |
.5d bug 366874 |
Object Expression |
donebug 366742 |
bug 366860 |
bug 366861 |
Notes on Table 7
- We'll document error conditions of operators and expressions, and their resulting exceptions. Whenever possible this documentation will be comments in the EGL source file for a type.
- Substrings are immutable, so they can't be the target of an assignment or the argument to an inout parameter.
- The type cannot be a nullable type. Nullability is not part of a type signature.
- There are new bitwise operators in EDT. ~ is a bitwise NOT (also called the compliment), << is a left shift, >>> is a right shift where the leftmost bits become zero (logical), >> is a right shift where the sign is copied into the leftmost bits (arithmetic).
- Bitwise operators are only supported on values of type int and smallint.
- The if-then-else operator is borrowed from languages like C and Java. The condition's type must be boolean. The two values must have the same type.
- We'll have functions in the array type to provide similar behavior.
- We'll have functions in the string type to provide similar behavior.
- Date/time math is not supported in EDT. Functions on the date and timestamp types provide similar behavior.
- Object expression is borrowed from java script, which allows an object to be created "on the fly". The key can either be an ID or a string and the value can be any expression that is valid on the right hand side of an assignment.