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EDT:0.7.0 Planning:Iteration 12
Target line items - Bugzilla search
- JavaScript Generation
- Development Mode generator extension bug 354140 (Scott, Forest, Justin)
- Complete more plumbing code for service invocations(Joe)
- JSON conversion for JavaScript bug 352583 (Joe)
JSON conversions for Java bug 352581 (Joe)- The following are coded but require testing
- REST service invocation bug 346144 (Joe)
- Service proxy bug 346145(Joe)
- CQ for JavaScript runtime bug 348120(Joe)
- RUI Debugger: core framework bug 351854(Justin)
Support creation of generic EGL projects using concept of a project template bug 354426 (Jiyong)- Dojo Mobile widget and wizard. Update the runtime to 1.6 (Jiyong)
- Project Explorer: Hide folders bug 351209(Jiyong)
- Deployment: New deployment descriptor wizard bug 352831(Jiyong)
- quick fix for delegate & callback bug 351925 (Xiaobin)
open part bug 352816 (Xiaobin)- Visual Editor bug 352757 (Forest)
development mode for JS Gen bug 354140 (Forest)Extracting EGL Interface from EGL bug 353064 (Zhi)Deployment Descriptor Editor bug 352828 (Tony)Deployment result view bug 352833 (Jimmy)- SQL Editor support (get list from wiki) (Zhi)
- Deployment
HTML Generator bug 352657(Jiyong)
- EGL Unit Tests
- Framework - make generation extensible by other languages, and reporting the accurate count of the test variations bug 352638bug 354205(Jing)
- Framework - make progress bar show accurate information bug 352640bug 352643bug 354203 (Rocky)
- Testing - Identifying all the blocking issues for EDT tests to execute in EDT (Kathy)
- Testing - writing EDT language tests (Kathy)
- Testing - port existing RBD FVT test cases (CDL Test team)