NOTES: Moritz and Scott are testing Jingle provider Aug 22, others that wish to get/use Moritz' work should contact him directly or via
NOTES: Roland is working on IAX provider. Status to be updated by Roland.
Shared Editing
Cola and XCDE in org.eclipse.ecf.examples.collab.editor (Mustafa, Boris?, Ken, others?) bug 170866, bug 192578, others
NOTES: Mustafa is working on generalizing Cola code via plugin at and will coordinate with Scott for checkin to CVS at (over existing plugin org.eclipse.ecf.example.collab.editor). Target date for code move: Aug 29, 2007.
NOTES: An ECF generic JMS server implementation for both ActiveMQ/Websphere CE and BEA Weblogic now exist at See here for info on accessing via CVS.
NOTES: ECF is being used by the Equinox Provisioning M1. Additional bugs and enhancement requests will be forthcoming associated the provisioning usage.
Remote Services (Scott)
NOTES: Remote services API now supported via following providers: XMPP, ECF Generic, ActiveMQ JMS, Weblogic JMS.