Scott Lewis, Harshana Eranga Martin, Markus Kuppe, Wim Jongman
Scott will send note to ecf-dev about ecf2 operating system changeover. Markus K will contact OSU OSL about shutting down ecf2, backup of the disk and replacement of the operating system.
An initial prioritization and solicitation of documentation contributions has been successfully coordinated via this bug. Partitioning of documentation creation and coordination will be done via the bug and the wiki page.
There is a question about what copyrights and license we should have for the ECF documentation effort. Markus will send an email to Janet Campbell (EF lawyer) to pose this question, and we will discuss the licensing publicly on the ecf-dev mailing list.
Scott and Harshana discussed the moving forward of the SIP/Call API work. Hopefully Harshana and Roland and others will be able to participate in starting up further work in this area again soon.