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Proposed Areas of Focus for ECF 2.0M4 (mid Dec 2007)
Shared Editing (proposed lead: Mustafa)
VOIP (proposed leads: Moritz, Roland)
- Jingle (bug)
- IAX (bug)
- Skype (bug)
Bulletin Board API (proposed lead: ?)
- Incorporate into distribution (bug)
UI/Example Applications (proposed leads: Remy, Chris, Boris?)
Discovery (lead: Markus Kuppe)
Remote Services (proposed lead: Jan and/or Scott)
Share Code (proposed lead: Marcelo)
- Incorporation into distribution (bug)
File Transfer API (proposed lead: Scott)
- Support Equinox p2 (bug)
- Testing (especially proxy, auth, and http providers) (bug 207393)
- Use Platform Proxy Support (bug 181544)
Core API Work (proposed lead: Scott)
- Integration with JAAS/Support for single ECF sign on (bug 207368)
- Move to EE CDC 1.1/Foundation 1.1 (bug 207369)
- Replace ECF-specific classes in with* (bug 207370)
- Fix org.eclipse.ecf.startup extension point (bug 199938)
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