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ECF Conference Call 10.22.2009

Attendees 07:29, 20 October 2009 (UTC) --Scott Lewis --Markus Kuppe


Buckminster Build transition

Markus and Ted are going to lead the transition to buckminster/hudson based building. Scott and Pierre are going to provide support as needed. Initial set of tasks

  1. Get SDK feature building on Hudson/Buckminster (using platform feature project as template) (Ted and Scott)
  2. Get platform feature tests running without error (Scott and Ted)
  3. Refactor OSUOSL features (Pierre and Scott)
  4. Introduce product-based building (for building TweetHub, Examples apps, Equinox web servers) (Markus and Pierre)
  5. Introduce two stage build of SDK feature (i.e. platform feature, then SDK feature)
  6. Refactor SDK feature (and introduce new/other features and resulting p2 repos)

ECF Examples and Wiki Docs

Scott has been working on examples for Load balancing remote service and others. Pierre is working on examples using the Distributed EventAdmin. Please everyone create examples/apps using your favorite part of ECF :).

Other Items

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