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ECF Conference Call 10.2.2007
ECF 1.2 scheduled for Friday, Oct 3 on ECF Ganymede Roadmap
Upshot is that the soonest ECF can have a release review is *October 17th, at 8am pacific time*. We will schedule ECF's 1.2 release for that day and time, and then plan on releasing ECF 1.2 as shortly after that as possible (i.e. hopefully *October 19th*).
After the 1.2 release, all subsequent ECF releases will be 2.0 milestone releases in prep for the ECF 2.0 (Ganymede) release, as specified by the ECF Ganymede Roadmap
File Transfer API work coming out of Equinox Summit 2007
ECF's file transfer API is being used for the Equinox Provisioning (p2) effort. This currently includes four ECF bundles: *org.eclipse.ecf*, *org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity*, *org.eclipse.ecf.filetransfer*, and *org.eclipse.ecf.filetransfer.provider*. Here is the ECF API docs for filetransfer API.
There may be other ECF bundles included in this (e.g. the httpclient-based provider in *org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient*) eventually, that is yet to be seen.
Ken asked if there were any namespace/package renaming involved with this, and at least at this point, the answer is 'no'. For the plugins listed above, all should remain as it is.
The Equinox Summit 2007 Results have some new enhancements needed for ECF (e.g. supporting partial file transfers). Scott will be working on these enhancements over the next week.
Cola Work Progress
Operational Transformations on Multi-Character Modifications
- not sufficient to only check index position of operations anymore
- length of insertion offsets following (space-wise, not time) operations
- modifications to code as of yesterday
- testing required - who has time on Thursday and/or Friday evening?
- progress looks OK so far - no insurmountable restrictions in sight
- time-constraints
- detailed secondary documentation, e.g. on the wiki, is not going to be available this week
Riena Project Proposal and ECF Remote Services API
The Riena project is proposing to do some work on remote OSGi services. Those interested should look at the proposal, and participate in the newsgroup discussion on the news:// newsgroup.