Schedule for Release of ECF 3.2. ECF should probably have a release before Helios, but we first need to decide when (what date), and how (who to do/help with the releng work).
Action: Scott will publish a proposed ECF 3.2 release date of Friday, Feb 19, 2010 to the ECF mailing list to get community feedback, and start the Eclipse Foundation review process.
Action: Ted will describe/detail releng tasks that could use contributions/time from other ECF contributors in preparation for the release.
General Notes for ECF developers about use of recent ECF additions
Users of ECF example apps will not be able to install daily builds into Eclipse 3.5.1 (or earlier) and have them work properly. This is true because our core bundles come with Eclipse...and so users of the SDK get *old versions* of these core bundles (i.e. without the new additions).
Developers using ECF will need to either a) get the latest daily from Hudson ( and use these bundles as their target platform; or b) Get the ECF core bundle (org.eclipse.ecf) from CVS and put it into their workspace.