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ECF/Plan for 3.0


ECF Themes for 3.0

These are DRAFT ideas for ECF 3.0 themes. Please comment and/or contribute new items below.


ECF is in a position to contribute to work on E4. The two current areas of interest are

Realtime Collaboration for IDE

  • Docshare/RT Shared Editing bugs/enh requests
  • Full API Support of Other Text Editors (see here)
  • Workspace/Project Sharing enh 239048
    • Projects
      • What should be done if client A shares project C with client B and client B does not have project C in his or her workspace?
      • What should be done if client A shares project C with client B and client B has project C under a different name in his or her workspace?
      • If client A shares a project that's under version control that client B does not, should B be prompted to check it out of version control? What if client B does not have the SCM plug-in that client A has?
      • If client A deletes a shared project C, what should happen to client B's copy of project C?
    • Resources
      • If client A creates or places a new file in shared project C, what should happen to client B's workspace?
      • If client A modifies a file in shared project C, should client B's copy of the file be modified also? If not, should it be modified when client A saves?
      • If client A deletes a file in shared project C, should client B's copy be deleted also?
    • Summary
      • For projects/resources and workspace there are the general questions of what should be done if the workspaces are not in sync, what should be done if the SCM is not the same/same version, or the resource(s) not under SCM, and the relationship between resources in shared projects (i.e. same version required?). Rules will have to be identified to handle these cases...e.g. by doing SCM commits/updates, transferring resources among peers, delaying while resources are transferred, doing remote saves, dropping back to using both in workspace (sender) and out-of-workspace (receiver) resources (as it works now), etc.

Documentation, Automated Tests, Examples, Tutorials


Service Discovery and Remote OSGi Services

  • Repository Discovery for P2/Equinox
  • Remote Provisioning (e.g. Remote Eclipse RCP Management)
  • Integrate with the next R-OSGi release
  • Split org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.IDiscoveryContainerAdapter into two distinct interfaces which allow service discovery and service announcement. Much like it is done in jSLP
  • Consider the adoption of the OSGi RFC 119 for discovery and remote service. Create a reference implementation based upon ECF.
  • DSDP TM service discovery adoption. Don't know how to turn this into a plan item though
  • Better expose non .local scope in Zeroconf
  • Move EMF based discovery ui out of incubation


Distributed Model Synchronization

  • Generalize Cola e.g. enh 234142 to work with Other/Extensible Model Types (i.e. not just text editors)
  • EMF Integration (for/with E4?)
  • Databinding Integration?

Mo' Better Application Integration


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