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E4/Meeting Minutes/Status 20080904
< E4 | Meeting Minutes
- Boris Bokowski
- Doug Schaefer
- Ed Merks
- Eric Moffat
- Kim Horne
- Martin Oberhuber
- McQ
- Michael Scharf
- Paul Webster
- Tom Schindl
- Boris: is wondering about ESE symposium submission - is there one? Boris to follow up with Jeff and Jochen.
- McQ: e4 demo app is interesting because we are using the mechanisms we've been exploring (modeled workbench, dependency injection), but we need to work towards being able to self-host soon.
- McQ/Eric: started talking about backwards compatibility problems and approaches
- McQ: bare minimum for self-hosting is a resource navigator and text editor.
- Eric: minimum for useful self-hosting is navigator, Java editor, CVS, debugger, problems view
- Michael: don't try to solve the compatibility problem right now, it will make it hard to focus on a simple, clean architecture
- Boris: we can produce a bare minimum self-hosting workbench easier when we don't try to use the existing plug-ins
- Martin O: Working on backwards compatibility too soon will drain resources
- McQ: do we need another demo app focusing on flexible resources?
- Doug: is working with Martin O. on flexible resources, there will be a kick-off meeting in about two weeks
- Eric: planning to work on mechanical parts of the modeled UI