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DSDP/MTJ/Deploy the application
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Short description:
Developer can transer and install the application to mobile device (eg mobile phone or PDA) or transfer it to an FTP server. The application can be at least MIDlet (JAD/JAR), Personal Profile application (JAR), OSGi bundle/deployment package, SIS/XSIS (native application). Solution provides ways to select the application, view application details and search and select the device.
Priority: 1
Owner: Nokia
Status: Implemented in 0.7
Community Review: 20.12.05 - 05.01.06
Use-Case Specification:
This Use Case is divided into following extensions that describe the overall deployment functionality
1. Use Case Description:
2. Basic Flow:
- B1:
- B2:
- ...
3. Alternate Flows:
- A1:
- A2:
- ...
- A1:
- A2:
- ...
4. Preconditions:
5. Postconditions:
6. Extension Points:
7. Special Requirements:
8. Additional Information:
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