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Planned Items
The following items are being considered for 3.7, but have not been scheduled into a specific milestone
(Deferred) JDT should support java.endorsed.dirs (308953)
Breakpoint conditions should be remembered (20597)
Undo support for creating, modifying, deleting breakpoints (154784)
Support EE launch variables (319298)
Dates are listed in the Eclipse Platform Releng Calendar (view as iCal).
M1 - August 6
No Major Work Items
M2 - September 17
Support EE launch variables (319298)
(Deferred) JDT should support java.endorsed.dirs (308953)
M3 - October 29
M4 - December 10
Allow multiple debug views and multiple debug context providers (327263)
M5 - January 28
Undo support for creating, modifying, deleting breakpoints (154784)
Breakpoint conditions should be remembered (20597)