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Debug/Phone 4-Aug-2011
< Debug
Call Info
- Wind River
- Pawel
- Dani
- Mike
- Curtis
Agenda and Minutes
- Status
- Java 7 merge complete
- API tools description for 1.7 complete
- Java 7 merge complete
- Migrate to GIT
- Dani: not too much in a hurry.
- Next thing to tackle is 3.7.1 deadline: critical bugs. Once it's done, we can start migrate: suggestion start end of August.
- Some projects decided to go back only to v 3.4.
- Flexible hierarchy API promotion
- Pawel: if we change package names, we'll force everyone to recompile.
- Mike, Dani: forcing everyone to change packages is not acceptable.
- Dani: goal is to move to another bundle.
- This is UI code and it should be stable enough and good enough for UI team to accept.
- We'd need to demonstrate that other clients want to use the viewer.
- Pawel: could we promote the API without removing the "provisional" from the name.
- Mike: API tools still use the "provisional" name in package names.
- Dani: we could do this in documentation and remove the internal marker from manifest.
- Pawel: will look at some refactoring
- Mike: yes the implementation and api's logic looks like magic for users.
- Mike: could we break things for 4.2
- Dani: only if really needed and not used by many people
- Pawel: can we move the viewer packages to separate bundle?
- Mike: if debug could re-export the packages then backward compatibility would not be broken
- Dani: the only constrain is that the bundle would have to have the debug name in it,
- Mike: no use case for IBM products