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Dash Project/Commits Explorer/SVN
Several Perl scripts collaborate together to collect the data into this form. The first script, extracts the data from SVN; that data is piped to which converts the SVN-specific output into tabular form for consumption by a script that dumps the output into the Dash database.
For example, the following invocation of these scripts:
echo -e "technology.gef3d\t/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.gef3d/" | ./ | ./
Results in the following output (in part):
.#DATE YEAR YEARMONTH YEARMONTHDAY TOPPROJECT PROJECT FILENAME FILETYPE REVISION CHANGE_SIZE MESSAGE_SIZE LOGIN COMPANY 2010/12/14 2010 201012 20101214 technology technology.gef3d /trunk/org.eclipse.gef3d.examples.graph/src/java/org/eclipse/gef3d/examples/graph/editor/wizard/ java 526 1 93 jvonpilgrim unknown 2010/11/15 2010 201011 20101115 technology technology.gef3d /trunk/org.eclipse.draw3d.lwjgl/src/java/org/eclipse/draw3d/graphics3d/lwjgl/ java 525 1 129 jvonpilgrim unknown 2010/11/15 2010 201011 20101115 technology technology.gef3d /trunk/org.eclipse.draw3d.lwjgl/src/java/org/eclipse/draw3d/graphics3d/lwjgl/font/ java 525 1 129 jvonpilgrim unknown 2010/11/15 2010 201011 20101115 technology technology.gef3d /trunk/org.eclipse.draw3d.lwjgl/src/java/org/eclipse/draw3d/graphics3d/lwjgl/util/ java 525 1 129 jvonpilgrim unknown ...
The script expects that data be provided in the form "[project-name]<tab>[directory]". The [directory] is expected to be a valid SVN directory on
Note that the .# at the beginning of the header line is significant to the insert processor. Entries on each line are separated by a single tab character (the output above has been hand-formated to make it easier to read). The FILETYPE is generally the extension from the FILENAME. An extension of 'htm' is rendered as 'html'; an extension of 'jpg' is rendered as 'jpeg'. CHANGE_SIZE is (according to a comment in the script, not provided).