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Dali Orm.xml Context Model status
Below are all of the Orm.xml Context Model parts that need to be completed for 2.0. This page will indicate the status of completion. Completed items are checked.
- EntityMappings
- XmlPersistenceUnitMetdata
- XmlPersistenceUnitDefaults
- XmlPersistentType
- XmlEntity
- name
- defaultName
- class
- access
- defaultAccess
- metadataComplete
- defaultMetadataComplete
- table
- secondaryTables
- defaultSecondaryTables
- inheritanceStrategy
- defaultInheritanceStrategy
- discriminatorColumn
- discriminatorValue
- defaultDiscriminatorValue
- sequenceGenerator
- sequenceGenerator default
- tableGenerator
- tableGenerator default
- specifiedPrimaryKeyJoinColumns
- defaultPrimaryKeyJoinColumns
- specifiedAttributeOverrides
- defaultAttributeOverrides
- specifiedAssociationOverrides
- defaultAssociationOverrides
- namedQueries
- namedNativeQueries
- idClass
- XmlMappedSuperclass
- XmlEmbeddable
- XmlPersistentAttribute
- XmlIdMapping
- XmlBasicMapping
- XmlVersionMapping
- XmlTransientMapping
- XmlEmbeddedIdMapping
- XmlEmbeddedMapping
- XmlOneToOneMapping
- XmlOneToManyMapping
- XmlManyToManyMapping
- XmlManyToOneMapping
- XmlTable
- XmlSecondaryTable
- XmlJoinTable
- XmlUniqueConstraint
- columnNames
- XmlGeneratedValue
- XmlSequenceGenerator
- XmlTableGenerator
- XmlColumn
- XmlDiscriminatorColumn
- XmlPrimaryKeyJoinColumn
- XmlJoinColumn
- XmlAttributeOverride
- XmlAssociationOverride
- XmlNamedQuery
- XmlNamedNativeQuery
- XmlQueryHint
- XmlIdClass
- value