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DTP project meeting, May 18, 2011
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- Linda Chan (Actuate)
- Brian "Fitz" Fitzpatrick (Red Hat)
- Brian Payton (IBM)
- Brian P. and Linda discussed Bug 345677, which Brian opened on the build team due to a bug discovered in an IBM product. After some investigation, we decided the problem was limited to a single plugin, and that re-tagging the plugin will resolve the problem in the current version of DTP.
- The IP Log is due today. Will need to submit it. (Can probably reuse the previous one, since there have hardly been any changes since the last release.)
- Linda has been investigating Git. She has been reading the User's Guide, now she wants to try it out. Based on her understanding, she is leaning toward having separate repositories for our DTP sub-projects. We rarely make changes in multiple sub-projects at the same time.