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DTP project meeting, March 30, 2010
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- Linda Chan (Actuate)
- Brian "Fitz" Fitzpatrick (Red Hat)
- Brian Payton (IBM)
- EclipseCon
- Fitz had to sit on a panel representing DTP. He said he had received some good questions
- Overall, there was more continuing interest in DTP than we expected
- Motorola had some very nice things to say about DTP during their talk
- Somebody from Red Hat might do something with "SQL Squirrel". Could that be a new Enablement component?
- Linda started the Enablement Committer election process for Brian P.
- Linda also started the Enablement Committer election process for Mingxia Wu. The other Actuate committer is leaving Actuate.)
- IBM would like the dependency on feature removed from the Connectivity feature (bug 207544)
- We need to start working on the DTP information in the "Helios Release Tracking" tool on the Eclipse portal. The PMC agreed to work on that next week.
- We should update our features for DTP 1.8. However, feature changes are tricky because of backward compatibility
- There seems to be some kind of problem with the Connectivity template feature
- Brian P. needs to complete the Accessibility Checklist documents by this week Friday