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DTP project meeting, June 22, 2010
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- Linda Chan (Actuate)
- Brian "Fitz" Fitzpatrick (Red Hat)
- Brian Payton (IBM)
- Brian P. asked Linda to ask the build team to rename the final Helios build (currently named xxx_RC4)
- We didn't do much testing on the Helios platform. Brian P. did some smoke testing, and that was about it
- The Helios service release dates are SR1: Sept 24, SR2: Feb 25, 2011. Fitz will update the wiki with our DTP (+1) dates
- Brian P. said he would like to be a committer on the Incubator project so he can update the meta-date, but Fitz and Linda said he could just "masquerade" as team lead for that project to do the updates
- The newsgroup needs some attention. There is an inquiry from Ingres
- Linda asked about supporting the M'soft SQL Server concat variation in the SQLQuerySourceWriter. Apparently SQL Server uses "+" rather than "||"