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DTP project meeting, January 9, 2014
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- Linda Chan (Actuate)
- Brian Payton (IBM)
- Brian has a new version of the enablement plugin for DB2 for LUW (after v9.1) working, but it needs some tweaking before it's ready for committing to the DTP codebase. He will deliver it to the DTP 1.11 stream (rather than 1.12, as he was originally thinking). 1.11 RC1 is Jan 20; it should be committed before then.
- Linda has finished the driver definition update she was working on.
- A user contacted Linda about the DTP webpage and complained that it apparently hasn't been updated since DTP 1.9. We have been doing all our updates on the DTP wiki. We need to update the web page to remove most of the content and point to the wiki page. Linda will handle that. Neither Linda nor Brian has tried to update the webpage since it was migrated to Git.