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DTP project meeting, April 13, 2010
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- Linda Chan (Actuate)
- Brian "Fitz" Fitzpatrick (Red Hat)
- Brian Payton (IBM)
- Translation enablement testing is going on (by IBM)
- Fitz responded to a BiDi bug
- We have fixed the bugs marked "must fix"
- IBM is doing Accessibility testing using the JAWS screen reader tool
- Fitz has sent Brian P. the previous years release review material
- The Actuate build team is creating a new repository for the DTP p2 builds. They will keep builds for five days
- Hemant hasn't heard back from the IBMers who requested the 1.6.2 respin. Linda isn't sure that we even have the infrastructure to do that any more
- Linda says Actuate no longer needs a 1.7.3 release of DTP