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DTP Releng
This page collects resources Eclipse Data Tools Platform (DTP) release engineering.
Building DTP
- In early March, 2008, DTP has transitioned to a PDE-based build system managed by Xiaoying Gu. This page describes the changes made as a result of this move.
- How to build DTP from CVS using PDE Basebuilder
- Details about the former build system used for DTP 1.6 through mid-M6 (early March, 2008) can be found here.
Contributing DTP Milestones and Releases
Working with DTP Map Files
- An index from plug-in ID to map file(s) can be found here.
- Information about a map file management plug-in can be found here.
How to check out source code according to map files
An easier way is to use the plug-in (at the end of the platform download page for each build):
- Check out org.eclipse.datatools.releng with the tag you like
For release later than Galileo M5, you may need to check out map projects:
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.releng or org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.releng or org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.releng or org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.releng or org.eclipse.datatools.incubator.releng
It depends on which sub-project you like to check out.
- Choose the map file that contains the project that you are interested in
- Choose context menu > Team > Load Map Projects
This should load all projects defined in map file into your workspace, with the tag in map file.