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DTP PMC and Project Lead Meeting Minutes: October 20, 2008
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- Brian Fitzpatrick
- Brian Payton
- Larry Dunnell
- Duncan Rigby (Special Guest)
- John Graham
- Linda Chan
- Hung Hsi
- Hemant Kolwalkar
- Sheila Sholars
- Der Ping Chou
- Emily Kapner
- New and Noteworthy Process for Galileo
- When you add a new feature or fix a bug for Galileo, and you think it deserves mention for users or adopters for the release, we'd like you to do the following when you set a bugzilla entry (bug or enhancement) as fixed:
- 1) Add the "noteworthy" keyword to the bug
- 2) Add a comment to the bug with what you'd like noted as the New & Noteworthy entry for the bug - specifically calling it out with a [NN] or some other flag to let us know what text you want to be used
- We will then compile a New and Noteworthy Wiki page for each milestone to be available. This is a new requirement for the Galileo release train, so please remember to do this!
- Introductions: Duncan Rigby (will be helping with SQL Query Builder)
- [Weekly Nag] We are at 24 bugs with no target milestone set that need to be dispositioned (thanks for whittling it down a bit again!). Please keep at this list daily if at all possible. [Here's the query.]
- Sub-project status (from team leads)
- Open discussion