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DTP PMC and Project Lead Meeting Minutes: August 4, 2008
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- Brian Fitzpatrick
- Larry Dunnell
- Sheila Sholars
- Emily Kapner
- Hung Hsi
- John Graham
- Linda Chan
- Der Ping Chou
- Brian Payton
- Status of 1.6.1 M1 (Thanks to Xiaoying for building it and getting it up on the downloads page, Loic & his team are currently testing the build) (Build available [here])
- Next major release is officially "Galileo" for June 2009. I've created a target milestone for Galileo so we can start marking those bugs/enhancements we feel should to into it. Please move any you know should go into Galileo into that target milestone.
- We are at 30+ bugs with no target milestone set that need to be dispositioned. Please keep at this list daily if at all possible. [Here's the query.]
- Sub-project status (from team leads)
- Open discussion
- Sheila brought up the last possible time for checkins to the M1 stream - decided it would be the afternoon of Tuesday, August 5, which would be the morning of August 6 in Shanghai for a build. So we will wait to see if any additional changes are required and request a build (if necessary) from Xiaoying.