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DTP PMC and Project Lead Meeting Minutes: August 11, 2008
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- Brian Fitzpatrick
- Linda Chan
- Sheila Sholars
- Brian Payton
- Larry Dunnell
- Der Ping Chou
- Emily Kapner
- Hung Hsi
- John Graham
- 1.6.1 M1 status
- Please disposition any remaining 1.6.1 target milestone items to go into 1.6.1 M2, 1.6.2, or Galileo [Here's the query]
- [Weekly Nag] We are at 30+ bugs with no target milestone set that need to be dispositioned. Please keep at this list daily if at all possible. [Here's the query.]
- Sub-project status (from team leads)
- Open discussion
- Larry - Bookmark marker API changed, so we can't support both 3.2 and 3.4, so we'll leave the bug open. Larry will revert the fix for M1 and look at it for later in 1.6.1