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DTP PMC Meeting Minutes: December 8, 2009
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- Brian "Fitz" Fitzpatrick (Red Hat)
- Linda Chan (Actuate)
- Brian Payton (IBM)
- EclipseCon
- Linda said she will be able to go to EclipseCon.
- Fitz said he will submit a talk proposal on distributed development in Eclipse
- Brian said he will re-submit the talk he was going to give last year, but didn't (because it was the very last session of Eclipse, and nobody showed up for the talk!)
- Linda has been appending to a newsgroup topic on an ODA driver for EMF.
- We discussed the latest version of the Eclipse Simultaneous Release requirements doc
- Brian raised Fitz's concern about the doc being too wordy at the Eclipse Planning Council meeting.
- There is a new version of the document to review. (See [1].)
- Random news item: there is a new version of the ICU plugin coming in Helios. We should be OK given our plugin tolerance setting for the ICU plugin.