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DTP PMC Meeting May 1, 2007
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- John Graham
- Linda Chan
- Sheila Sholars
- Accessibility statement
- NEC Soft contribution
- Demo of Visual SQL Query Builder the week of 5/14?
- "Java Integration" feature?
- Discussion of accessibility
- Given that Eclipse Legal has approved NEC Soft's contribution, the PMC decides to integrate it into 1.5
- Demo: Suggestion is to use part of the 5/14 PMC/Team Lead mtg for this purpose
- Java feature: interesting idea, some more research necessary
Action Items
- Sheila: Accessibility statments:
- Create a bug for statement completion for Connectivity, SQL Dev and Enablement
- Send a note to dtp-dev about it
- John:
- Work with NEC Soft on the next steps for joining DTP
- Investigate whether Enablement has scope for the Java Integration Feature
- Talk to the doc team about a review and approval cycle for the current proposal