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DTP PMC Meeting, July 8, 2008
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- Brian Fitzpatrick
- Linda Chan
- John Graham
- Sheila Sholars
- Loic's request - why can't they just take the M1 milestone build?
- Possible plan:
- 1.6.1 in mid-August...
- 1.6.2 if necessary in September, otherwise we push it to February.
- If we need a 1.6.2 in September, we do that and have a 1.6.3 in February
- Possible plan:
- Planning for next major release (Sybase's take)
- Open discussion
Action Items
- Hold off on RC milestones for 1.6.1 unless we get a better understanding of why we might need them
- New dependencies need to be approved, especially those across other projects, orbit, 3rd party, or whatever - need to write up as part of the DTP policies and procedures
- Need to add some policy regarding extension point documentation. Declare that if new extension points are added, they must have documentation by the mid-point milestone.
Tabled for Later Discussion
- Discuss after Ganymede release
- Discuss DTP charter change to simplify addition of a committer to two or more subprojects at the same time without going through separate committer elections
- Perhaps in the future come up with a Component architecture document that shows DTP dependencies to consumers
- Schedule a "scrubbing" pass of the bug backlog after 1.6 (over the summer) to close bugs that we won't ever fix (minor tweaks, things that have been obsoleted along the way, etc.) to try and reduce the bug count
- Things to consider for next major release (June 2009) - JDK 1.4 end of life, move to JDK 1.5 in next release? Depends on platform support. Something to discuss going forward