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DTP PMC Meeting, August 19, 2008
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- Brian Fitzpatrick
- Linda Chan
- John Graham
- Sheila Sholars
- 1.6.1 Rampdown policy (this is a modification to
- M2 is August 25, 2008
- Ganymede SR1 release train as a +1 project. Those dates are [[here].
- September 2, 2008 - RC1
- September 9, 2008 - RC2
- September 16, 2008 - RC3 (Final Release, available September 24, 2008)
- Proposed policy:
- Open for fixes until afternoon of August 25, 2008 (SH time)
- Team lead approval needed for any fixes the week of August 25 - August 28
- August 29 (SH time) build will be the RC1 integration build. Test on August 29 & September 1, rebuild if issues arise
- Week of September 1 - September 4, PMC approval required (reasons, implications, testing, patch)
- September 5 (SH time) build will be the RC2 integration build. Test on September 5 & September 8, rebuild if issues arise
- Just testing after that until September 16
- Galileo planning
- DTP Galileo Planning Draft
- Need input from each PMC member's company to contribute to the Galileo effort
- What priorities do you have? Where do you plan on contributing resources?
- Actuate/ODA initial list of high-level projects (thanks Linda!)
- Define filtering spec for support by any ODA data source queries
- Support for Multi-dimensional Result Sets
- Enhance ODA Framework and API to support advanced features requested by the community. For example, dynamic creation of connection profile instance, support ODA data source-defined object type.
- Open discussion
- Some concerns about the rampdown -- discussed the following
- Adjust approvals by a week
- Component Lead Approval (M2 to RC1)
- Team Lead Approval (RC1 to RC2)
- PMC Approval (RC2 to RC3) - PMC approval = ALL approve it (4/4)
- Regular nightly builds with Integration builds on Friday (SH time) during M2->RC2 periods
- Builds are request only (not nightly) during RC2 to RC3 period
- Adjust approvals by a week
- IBM Galileo
- SQL Parser/Model - additional syntax coverage
- SQB - enhancements/bug fixes
- Model base - enhancements
- Overall theme - quality, usability, inhibitors to adoption
- Ask each sub-project to come up with a plan
- Ask the community what they feel is inhibiting them from adopting DTP
- One Galileo issue - Migrating to JDK 1.5 vs. staying with JDK 1.4 - ask the community
- Since EMF & GEF have moved to JDK 1.5, do we want to move with them?
- Do we decide that we're NOT supporting JDK 1.4? If so, means that we build on 1.5
- Review bugs to see if there are folks very active in the community and ask them about requirements
Action Items
- Add 1.6.1 RC1/RC2/RC3 target milestones
- Tell the committers not do deliver any fixes to M1 (branch is no longer active)
- M1 build tagged already for 20080814, so should be able to see if anybody delivers after that accidentally
- If we need to respin M1 down the line, can do so based on the tags