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DTP PMC Meeting, April 7, 2009
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- Brian Fitzpatrick
- Linda Chan
- John Graham
- Brian Payton
- Project metadata - Incubator project... EMO is asking for a "future release" of the incubator project (all projects need a future release in their metadata)... should we simply add a "Next Release" milestone with a date for June 2010 since it won't make it into Galileo?
- Status
- Open discussion
- SQL Dev refactoring - might need a different approach - leave the old plug-ins there? or have some compatibility/shell layer to reduce the impact on adopters - need to announce the API change to the community (e-mail to cross-project list) - send e-mail to dtp-dev & cross-project about the changes, documenting why we're doing this late and what's changing
- Ingres JavaCC-generated code - already IP reviewed in a CQ, so we should be ok. The IBM internal folks interested in more specifics in this case needs to approach the folks to get them answered.