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DSDP/MTJ/Save Findings as Comments


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Short description:

A Java developer makes findings about the functioning of certain classes and methods during the development project. He adds the findings into the comment database in order to use them later on.




Proposed:|Accepted: date_here

Community Review: review_date_here

Use Case Specification: Save findings as comments

1. Brief Description

A Java developer makes findings about the functioning of certain classes and methods during the development project. He adds the findings into the comment database in order to make the finding available for others and for himself in the future projects. The next time somebody uses the same methods and classes the user can see the previously stored comments if he wishes to. This helps in avoiding the pitfalls already found in the previous projects.

2. Flow of events

2.1 Basic Flow

B1: The user makes a finding about the functioning of a certain method, class or feature during the testing with certain devices or emulators.
B2: The user chooses to save a comment about it attached to
(1) a method or class in the source code
a. The user goes above a method or a class name in the source code.
b. The system marks the method or class name with a background color and opens up a commenting box.
c. The user types in the comment
d. The system provides an option to attach the comment to a certain device, certain devices or an emulator. The system uses the project and the preprocessing tag information to provide preconfigured options.
e. The user attaches the comment to a device or an emulator or leaves it without attachment as a general comment concerning the method or the class.
f. The system stores the comment and attaches it to the method or the class. It also attaches the info to the class, package and API set which are above the method. It also possibly attaches the info to the chosen devices and emulators.
(2) a device in the database TURHA??
a. The user opens up the database and chooses a device.
b. The user chooses to make a
i. General comment about the device
ii. A comment concerning a certain device feature.
c. The system opens up a commenting box.
d. The user types in the comment.
e. The system provides an option to attach the comment to other devices or an emulator.
f. The user attaches the comment to other devices or an emulator or leaves it without attachment as a comment concerning only the specific device.
g. The system stores the comment and attaches it to the device and possibly to the chosen other devices and emulators.
(3) an emulator TURHA??
a. The user opens up the emulator list and chooses an emulator(s).
b. The user chooses to make a
i. General comment about the emulator
ii. A comment concerning a certain emulator feature.
c. The system opens up a commenting box.
d. The user types in the comment.
e. The system provides an option to attach the comment to other emulators or devices.
f. The user attaches the comment to other emulators or devices or leaves it without attachment as a comment concerning only the specific emulator.
g. The system stores the comment and attaches it to the emulator and possibly to the chosen other emulators and devices.

2.2 Alternative flows

Alternative flow 1:

3. Special Requirements

4. Preconditions

4.1 Comment database is available
A comment database is available which consists of all the methods, classes, packages and APIs used in mobile java development. The comment database is connected to the source code as well to the device database.

4.2 Written source code is available
The user has written source code. The written source code is used as a tool to make comments about code items (methods, classes, …).

4.3 Target device is available in the device database
All the target devices into which the user wants to attach a comment need to be available.

4.4 Target emulator is available
All the emulators into which the user wants to attach a comment need to be available. If the emulators are not directly attached to the Eclipse, it needs to have some emulator database to store the information.

5. Post Conditions

5.1 Comment is created and saved
A comment about a code item, device or emulator is made and saved into the comment database.

5.2 Comment is attached to the code item
A comment is attached to a method or a class in the database. It is also attached to the class, class package and API which is above the method or class in the hierarchy. The next time somebody uses one of these code items he can see the previous findings about it as comments.

5.3 Comment is attached to a device
A comment is in most cases also attached to a certain device. This attachment can be used to narrow the information shown to a user who is only interested in a certain device. This information is also used to attach the comment database info with the device database.

5.4 Comment is attached to a device database
The comment is also attached to the device database from where the comments can also be read from. In case a comment is attached to a device the comment can be seen in relation to a device and device feature. If a comment is not attached to a device it can be seen in relation only to the device features such as API, package, class or method. The comments can be used to create new device features into the device database.

6. Extension Points


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