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DSDP/MTJ/JavaME launch mechanism
Short description: MTJ needs to provide a method to launch a generic Java ME project. It has a method to launch a Midlet already.
Priority: High
Owner: Kevin Horowitz
Status: Proposed
Community Review: Begin Review March 15th, 2007
Use-Case Specification:
1. Use Case Description The user wants to launch a Java ME project.
2. Basic Flow
- B1: Eclipse provides a standard Launch mechanism. The user selects Run > Run ... or the icon equivalents.
- B2: The user then selects MTJ Java ME Application and uses the Launcher Create New Mechanism.
- B2: User is presented with data that mirrors the MTJ Midp Application.
- Project Name, Project Executable (Java class with Main), Target Device (Project Specified or Alternate), Source and Common Tabs
- B3: User configures Project data, and clicks Run.
- B4: Executable defined in SDK definition runs.
4. Preconditions
- There must be an SDK definition that has an executable to run.
5. Postconditions
- Running target terminates.
6. Extension Points
- None
7. Special Requirements
- None
8. Additional Information
- The Device Provider data for the project will contain information about the execution environment in the configuration block. The UEI provider hard-codes this data since the execution environment is bin\emulator offset from the Runtime. The execution environment for this state could exist anywhere on the file system. The system is not being coded to use the Eclipse JRE or Eclipse alternate JRE as the runtime environment, even though it is possible for one of these to provide an environment, if they are running an IBM J9.