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DSDP/MTJ/Create new project


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Short description: The developer wishes to begin their development on an mobile java project. In order to encapsulate the environment for the mobile java project, the user will create a new project that will take advantage of the environment available for their use. The user will name their project, select the SDK that they want to code their project for, and can optionally select a pre-coded (template) project to be their starting point, or configure some of the packaging options that are related to their SDK.

Priority: 1

Owner: IBM

Status: Implemented in 0.7

Community Review: ?

Use-Case Specification:

1. Use Case Description:

The developer wishes to begin their development on an mobile java project. In order to encapsulate the environment for the mobile java project, the user will create a new project that will take advantage of the environment available for their use. The user will name their project, select the SDK that they want to code their project for, and can optionally select a pre-coded (template) project to be their starting point, or configure some of the packaging options that are related to their SDK.

2. Basic Flow:

B1 The user decides to create a new mobile java project.
B2 The user starts the new mobile java project.
B3 The user names the project, and selects the storage location.
B4 The user selects the SDK that they wish to use for the project.
Note: The user can finish the project creation now.
B5 The user can modify values configured based on the SDK such as included libraries, source locations, and required projects on build path (in a manner similar to standard eclipse java project creation.
B6 The user decides if they wish to pick a pre-coded (template) project to be their starting point.
Note: If the user picks a template project they will finish project creation now.
B7 The user can set up packaging parameters at this point if they are a MIDP-based project.
B8 The system creates the project, any associated files, and adds the project to the package explorer and navigator views.

3. Alternate Flows:

User cancels action:

User cancels the project creation.

A1 All creation data is discarded.
A2 The file system is not modified for the project.

Existing project:

Project already exists.

A1 The user will not be able to proceed through the naming panel.
A2 The user will receive an error message in the message space of the wizard.

4. Preconditions:

The user must have a configured SDK to perform project creation.

5. Postconditions:

6. Extension Points:

7. Special Requirements:

8. Additional Information:


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