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DSDP/MTJ/Create Device Group


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Short description: A Java developer creates a device group to be used as a tool in the development. The developer defines the devices with similar qualities in relation to the development work at hand.




Proposed:|Accepted: date_here

Community Review: review_date_here

1. Brief Description

A Java developer creates a device group to be used as a tool in the development. The developer defines the devices with similar qualities in relation to the development work at hand. The developer opens up the device group creation tool. The developer gives a name to the group. The developer chooses the devices by either choosing the qualities of the phones he wants to have in the group or directly chooses individual devices. The system creates a device group which can be used in the current and future development projects to preprocess the code and to keep the development project more organized.

2. Flow of events

Basic Flow

B1: The user opens up a device group creation tool.
B2: The system opens up a field in which to write a device group name.
B2: The user gives a name to the group.
B2: The system opens up a view to the device database.
B3: The user chooses devices
(1) based on the device qualities or
(2) by directly choosing individual devices.
B4: The user chooses to create the device group.
B5: The system creates a device group.
B6: The system gives an individual parameter to describe the device group.

3. Alternative flows

Alternative flow 1: Edit device group
Alternative flow 1: Delete device group

4. Preconditions

4.1 The user has device database in his use
The user has an up-to-date device database in use which covers all the devices which the user wants to refer to.

5. Post Conditions

5.1 A device group has been created
A device group has been created which consists of a set of devices with some meaningful similar qualities. The group can be used in development project e.g. to preprocess the source code.

5.2 A device group is reusable
The device group can be used in one or several projects. In case the device group is reused in some other project, it will be imported into the project with a new individual name. In this way it is avoided that there are more than one group with different qualities and a same name. It is also avoided that the same group would be used in one project and modified in another project to make it not to fit anymore into the first project.

6. Extension Points


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