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DSDP/MTJ/Add Preprocessing Section


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Short description:

A Java developer has a need to create slightly different source code versions of the software. The need comes from the desire to create support for devices with different qualities or to create different features for different brands. On of the means to achieve this is to create builds based on different source code. This is done by adding preprocessing sections into the source code.




Proposed:|Accepted: date_here

Community Review: review_date_here

Use Case Specification: Add preprocessing section

1. Brief Description

A Java developer has a need to create slightly different source code versions of the software. The need comes from the desire to create support for devices with different qualities or to create different features for different brands. On of the means to achieve this is to create builds based on different source code. This is done by adding preprocessing sections into the source code. The preprocessed code sections are included only into the versions with the right preprocessing parameters.

A Java developer adds a preprocessing section into the source code. The developer chooses the place in the source code into which he wants to add code to be identified in the preprocessing phase of the compilation. The system provides the options for the preprocessing code based on the device groups or individual devices. The developer chooses for which devices he wants to do preprocessing and the system creates the needed preprocessing code into the source code.

2. Flow of events

2.1 Basic Flow

B1: The user chooses to add a preprocessing section into the source code.
B2: The system provides options to choose the wanted preprocessing code.
B3: The user chooses the preprocessing code.
B4: The system provides options to choose the target device group of the preprocessing.
B5: The user chooses the target group.
B6: The system adds the preprocessing code of the target device group into the source code.

2.2 Alternative flows

Alternative flow 1:

3. Special Requirements

4. Preconditions

4.1 The target device group has been created
The target device group has been created into the device database so that an individual preprocessing parameter is available. This parameter is added into the source code to define for which devices the preprocessing section is meant for.

4.2 The target device is available
The target device needs to be available in the device database if an individual device is used in preprocessing so that an individual preprocessing parameter is available. This parameter is added into the source code to define for which devices the preprocessing section is meant for. In case a target device is missing from the device database, the user needs to add it into the database.

5. Post Conditions

5.1 Preprocessing code have been added into the source code
The system has added the preprocessing code into the source code in the place chosen by the user. The preprocessing code consists of the individual parameters of the target device group and the general preprocessing code.

6. Extension Points


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