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DSDP/DD/DSF Phone 05-Septermber-2007
Location & Time
- When
- Wednesday, Septermber 5th, 10:30 AM (EDT)
- Where
- Dial In - (888) 545-8370 , International: (770) 659-3936, passcode: 5107492128#
- WebEx -, number=563 254 332, password=ecl1pse
- Duration
- 1 hour
Pawel Piech, Doug Schafer, Veenu Verma, Marc, Francois
Topics/Bugs to cover
- Demos and presentations for CDT conference
- Bundling DSF-based GDB debugger in CDT.
- Platform support and willing of the community to provide that support.
- Demo of current state of GDB debugger (Francois)
- What needs to be done to adopt DSF to a new debugger (Pawel).
- DSF common stumbling blocks (Francois and Marc)
- Generics
- Java concurrency - java.util.concurrency
- Request Monitor
- Contexts
- Hooking up a service
- End to End sequence of accessing the Register service?
- Bundling DSF-based GDB debugger in CDT.
- Agenda for Coding Camp on September 23rd
- Introductory excercise in MI implementation: Breakpoints (+Doug, +Marc)
- Refactoring of Data Model Contexts.
- Relationship between DM Context and DM Data
- Questionable use of Generics
- Question: set pattern for UI implementation.
- Expression service
- Use of meta-commands.
Outstanding Action Items
Previous Meeting