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Implicitly define a variable named 'help' in the context of every OCL expression that is parsed.
Docu follows
public static class MyEnvironmentFactory extends AbstractEnvironmentFactory { public EvaluationEnvironment createEvaluationEnvironment() { EvaluationEnvironment evalEnv = new EvalEnvironment(); evalEnv.add("help", OCLHelperFactory.eINSTANCE.createHelper()); return evalEnv; } protected Environment createEnvironment(EPackage packageContext) { return new MyEnvironment(packageContext); } protected EClassifier asEClassifier(Object context) { return (EClassifier) context; } protected EOperation asEOperation(Object operation) { return (EOperation) operation; } protected EStructuralFeature asEStructuralFeature(Object property) { return (EStructuralFeature) property; } public Environment createEnvironment(Environment parent) { return new MyEnvironment(parent); } }
private static class MyEnvironment extends EcoreEnvironment { public MyEnvironment(EPackage packageContext) { super(packageContext); init(); } private void init() { Variable vdcl = ExpressionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createVariable(); vdcl.setName("help"); vdcl.setType(TypeUtil.resolveType(this, OCLHelperPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier("Helper"))); this.addElement("help", vdcl, true); } public MyEnvironment(Environment parent) { super(parent); init(); } @Override protected void collectStates(EClassifier owner, List pathPrefix, List states) { super.collectStates(owner, pathPrefix, states); } @Override public EClassifier lookupPathName(List names) { if (names.get(0).equals("Helper")) { return OCLHelperPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier((String) names.get(0)); } return super.lookupPathName(names); } }
IOCLHelper helper = HelperUtil.createOCLHelper(new MyEnvironmentFactory()); helper.setContext(OrganisationPackage.eINSTANCE.getOrganisation()); System.out.println(helper.evaluate(org, "help.testmethod(")); 08:39, 10 October 2006 (EDT)