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Cosmos Architecture Meeting 14-Mar-07
Don Ebright
Marius Slavescu
Sheldon Lee Loy
Ali Mehregani
Craig Thomas
Joel Hawkins
Valentina Popescu
David Whiteman
Steve Jerman
Reviewed the initial pass at the framework Joel is putting together as the basis for the data collection component. Still need to document:
- Namespaces
- Deployment scenarios
Don will open bugzilla items for the work. We would like to get more of the team involved than Joel, so we will look at breaking this down into consumeable chunks.
Joel has the part of the test framework "self hosting".
Need further definition of the query services. This is the discussion of a "strongly typed" query interface vs. a "loosely typed" (e.g. XPath) type query interface.
Steve J: Work to begin describing the agent infrastructure in SML. This will need to be tempered with the fact that what is used to do the model will likely change.