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Corona Design SOA
The Corona SOA core will be based on an integration of the Apache Muse Project, which is currently provisioning for a new release. At the heart of the new Muse release is the idea of isolating the implementation details of WSDM-managed resources from specific deployment containers. This is accomplished by the creation of an abstraction layer that sits between the Muse core and the SOAP provider that hosts it.
The initial provisioning of Muse lacks an OSGi-oriented implementation of these abstraction layers. We (Corona) propose to provide this implementation as part of Apache/Muse, and to add on to it to support Corona-specific extensions.
Corona will provide additional extensions to the basic Muse OSGi implementation to create a more dynamic view of an OSGi-hosted resource. Our end-goal is to extend WSDM-MUWS/MOWS to an OSGi-hosted SCA runtime. We will do this by incorporating the Apache Tuscany project into OSGi, much as we are doing/have done with Muse.
HTTP Service Provider BUNDLE - This is a standard service (as specified in the OSGi R4 Companion document). There are a number of implementations available. Corona will initially support the Equinox internal implementation and the Equinox Servlet Bridge.
Isolation Layer Implementation BUNDLE - SOAP Service Provider - This bundle will provide an implementation of the SOAP Service (loosely defined as of now). This service will consume an HTTP Service implementation, allowing a decoupling of the SOAP stack from the HTTP implementation.
OSGi/Muse BUNDLE design
SOAP Service Listener
Bundle Listener
Class Loading
Resource BUNDLES