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Copying necessary 3rd party libs to project lib folder using PERL script
- Save the following script as
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; sub getLibs { my $lib_dir = shift; my @jars = `find $lib_dir -name "*.jar" -print`; my %LIBS = (); foreach my $j(@jars) { $j =~ s/\s+//g; my ($jar_name) = $j =~ /.*\/(.+?\.jar)$/; $LIBS{$jar_name} = $j; } return %LIBS; } if(@ARGV < 3) { print "Usage: $0 path_to_workspace path_to_lib project_name\n"; exit(0); } my ($workspace_dir, $lib_dir, $project_name) = @ARGV; my %LIBS = getLibs($lib_dir); open(D, "${workspace_dir}/${project_name}/dependencies.xml") or die $!; my %JARS = (); while(my $ln = <D>) { chomp $ln; if($ln =~ /\.jar/) { my ($jar) = $ln =~ /id=\"(.*?)\"/; $JARS{$jar}++; } } close(D); mkdir("${workspace_dir}/${project_name}/lib") unless (-d "${workspace_dir}/${project_name}/lib"); foreach my $j(keys %JARS) { if($LIBS{$j}) { if(-f "${workspace_dir}/${project_name}/lib/${j}") { print "$j already exists\n"; system("chmod 755 ${workspace_dir}/${project_name}/lib/${j}"); } else { system("cp $LIBS{$j} ${workspace_dir}/${project_name}/lib"); system("chmod 755 ${workspace_dir}/${project_name}/lib/${j}"); } } else { print "$j does not exists in $lib_dir\n"; } }
- run
./ path_to_workspace path_to_lib project_name where path_to_workspace is the absolute or relative path to the eclipse workspace folder of Higgins projects path_to_lib is the absolute or relative path to the local folder where the 3rd party libs are saved (3rd party libs can reside under sub-directories of path_to_lib) project_name is the higgins project name (e.g. org.eclipse.higgins.idas.registry)
Note: This script requires cygwin (for Windows only) and PERL installed on your machine. You can get cygwin from for Windows