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Connecting to Sybase ASA 9
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Sybase ASA 9
DTP 0.9/1.0/1.5 does not have a separate Sybase ASA driver template. You can, however, override the values in another driver template to get what is needed here.
- Choose any driver template from the list and override all values
- Name the driver template "Sybase ASA 9"
- Jar: jconn3.jar
- Driver: com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver
- Database name: asademo
- URL: jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:2638
Next, create the connection profile:
- Choose "SQL Model-JDBC Connection"
- Give the profile an appropriate name, such as "Sybase ASA 9"
- Choose the driver template you just created from the combo box
- "Finish" to save the connection profile
Note that you might have to tweak these values for your case. Results in a partial tree in Data Source Explorer, and can be used with the SQL Editor.