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Connecting to MySQL 4.x and 5.x
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MySQL 4.x and 5.x
- Let un == user name (for example, "root")
- Let pw == password
- Define a driver template for MySQL 4.1 (use this for 5.x too). (Window, Preferences, Connectivity, Driver Definitions; select Database, MySQL, 4.1, click Add)
- Then in "Available driver templates", select Database, MySQL, 4.1, MySQL JDBC Driver, and give driver a name like "My MySQL". Check "Edit New Driver Definition Immediately". Click "OK".
- Remove faulty jar files, and add the right one (like mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar) from known location (if you don't have one, download it from MySQL site)
- Database name: yourDatabaseName
- Driver class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
- Connection URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost/yourDatabaseName
- User ID: un
- Password: leave blank, will be added later
Next, create the connection profile (Window, Show View, Data Source Explorer, right-click Databases, New)
- Choose "Generic JDBC Connection"
- Give the profile an appropriate name, such as "MySQL - yourDatabaseName"
- Choose the driver template you just created from the combo box (e.g. "My MySQL")
- Add password
- Test connection with "Test connection" button
- "Finish" to save the connection profile
Note that you might have to tweak these values for your case. Results in a partial tree in Data Source Explorer, and can be used with the SQL Editor.