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Configuring the STEM Build on Eclipse CI
Currently the STEM build running on the Eclipse Continuous Integration Infrastructure has two targets.
- The current release (STEM 4.0)
- The Weekly Integration Build. This runs every Saturday.
see CI_best_practices for more information.
Building STEM
- Go to the STEM Jenkins build server [1]
- To build a weekly integration build, click "STEMWeekly", then "Build Now"
- To build a release build, click "STEM4TychoRelease", then "Build Now".
- If, for some reason, the release build fails copying over the built artifacts to the STEM download site, click "CopyIntegrationToRelease", then "Build Now". This will copy the latest integration build to the location of release builds on the download site.
Adding a new build Target on the STEM download page
(project committers only)
Note: Committers must be logged in to see the link actions described in these steps
To create a new download target in the list of available items for download
(assuming the new target is called: e.g.,) STEM_M4
- Please go to the STEMWeekly project at and click configure:
- Slide to the build section to the (Execute shell part)
If you are interested in uploading the build artifacts to a new target,
1. please
2. then create the folder
'mkdir -p /home/data/httpd/ STEM_M4
3. Then add the new build type to the list of versions by editing the echo command
echo " STEM_M4.version=4.0.0.I"${CURRENTDATE} ; echo ""${CURRENTDATE}
This echo command must be part of the other echo commands list which will write the output to the version file located at
This file will be used then by the file download.php of the STEM website.
You need only to add an extra line of code to make the website process your new item in the version file. Add:
<?php displayBuild("THE NEW HEADER TEXT", " STEM_M4", $versions); ?>
In this command please use the same target name (i.e., what you used for )STEM_M4