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Common Build Infrastructure/Getting Started/Bootstrapping
If building on, the infrastructure needed to do an Athena build is already in place. However, if you want to use a different version of basebuilder or common.releng, or if you want to use a different Hudson instance, you'll need to bootstrap your build in its workspace.
To run a self-contained and automatically bootstrapped build, you need to call bootstrap.xml from your build.xml script.
<project default="run"> <target name="run"> <ant antfile="bootstrap.xml" target="init"> <property name="basebuilderTag" value="r35x_v20090811" /> <property name="commonrelengTag" value="HEAD" /> <property name="ANTCONTRIB_VERSION" value="1.0b2" /> <property name="ANT4ECLIPSE_VERSION" value="1.0.0.M3" /> <property name="" value="" /> </ant> ... <condition property="JAVA_HOME" value="${java.home}" else="${java.home}/.."> <available file="${java.home}/bin/javac" type="file" /> </condition> ... <property name="" value="" /> <property file="${}" /> <ant antfile="${relengCommonBuilderDir}/build.xml" /> </target> </project>
Note that all properties and even the target are optional; to use defaults, simply call this:
<ant antfile="bootstrap.xml"/>
Try it out
For a working example build, do this:
- Check out project:
svn co teiid-designer-trunk-releng
- Run build:
cd teiid-designer-trunk-releng; ant
- Wait about 20-25 mins. You should see:
BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 21 minutes 33 seconds
Run build w/ Hudson
- Attach a Hudson instance using a new free-form job, which will run Ant. Here's a sample config.xml file you can use as a starting point.